Business History India Innovation Social Technology

The big Indian mobile revolution

“…But what is truly wonderful about the “mobile miracle” is that it has accomplished something India’s old socialist policies talked about but did little to achieve: It has empowered the less fortunate.”

India’s great leveler: cell phones

Business Innovation Technology

America’s best young entrepreneurs

A list compiled by of twenty-five businesses instigated by entrepreneurs under 25. Be Inspired.

America’s Best Young Entrepreneurs

Related posts: Subroto Bagchi on Entrepreneurship, Bill Gates on Innovation and Technical vitality

Business Education India Innovation Science Social Technology

Bill Gates on Innovation and Technical vitality

Bill Gates shares his insight on Innovation and Technical vitality – a succinct well written piece. I fully concur with his viewpoint – there is an urgent need for better science education and for reformed immigration policy for “global innovation” and for creating “greater value” (turning ideas into businesses and social welfare opportunities). An excerpt from an update — “The IT industry, I guarantee you,” Gates said, “will be in the U.S. to the degree that these smart people are here in the U.S.”

How to Keep America Competitive

Business India Technology

Subroto Bagchi on Entrepreneurship

I’ve been quite lucky to have met and spoken with him recently. A collection of his thoughts – as articles, presentations and ‘Times of Mind’ essays.

Got what it takes to be an entrepreneur? (Part 1 of 3)

Business Innovation Nature Science Social Technology

Garbage -> Fuel

Researchers have built and tested for the military a portable machine that efficiently turns waste into electricity.

A Portable Refinery Powered by Garbage

Business Innovation Technology

Inkless printer

Rather than spray ink over paper, have the ink embedded in the paper and selectively highlight tiny points on the paper – neat!

Inkless printer to be built into digital cameras

Business Productivity Technology

ODF + PDF vs. OpenXML + XPS?

With the hot standards battle for document formats, which one is your fav.? I’m betting on PDF since it is well understood, supported by tools like LaTeX and LyX; and ODF for new docs, which in turn can easily be converted to PDF. No more .doc, .xls, .ppt, .lwp, .123, .prz, .swx, .sxc, .sxi etc. Nice! Pervasiveness of MS tools may mean OpenXML + XPS is the new standard, but replacing PDF will be tough!

Feature comparison table for PDF, XPS and ODF

Art Business India Social

What you didn’t know about diamonds

Why we must give up our obsession with apparently-pretty rocks, for which the supply is artificially reduced and which leads to huge suffering of fellow human beings.

The greatest story ever sold is a fantasy covered in blood

Business Innovation Technology

Pipes and Filters for the Internet

“I want to talk about the implications for that marvelous aspect of the fundamental UNIX design: the pipe, and its ability to connect small independent programs so that they could collectively perform functions beyond the capability of any of them alone. What is the equivalent of the pipe in the age of the web? …This is one of the REALLY BIG IDEAS that is going to shape the next five or ten years of computing.”

Pipes and Filters for the Internet

Business Innovation Science Technology

‘high-k’ ensures that Moore’s Law will endure

Touted as the biggest change in computer chips in 40 years, the ‘high-k’ stuff allows to transition from current 65nm process to 45nm; Moore’s Law to endure, contrary to popular belief every n years that it has reached its limits! A simultaneous and independent breakthrough by IBM (and co) and Intel. IBM is to focus on higher performance, whilst Intel is to focus on lower power consumption at equivalent or better performance.

IBM, Intel pace each other with improved transistors