Education Health Innovation Science Technology

Cloned immune cells cleared patient’s cancer

Cancer patient’s tumours vanished within two months after being injected with billions of his own cloned immune cells.

Cloned immune cells cleared patient’s cancer

Education Health History India Life Meta Nature Productivity Science

Meditation for inner peace

Scientists are beginning to uncover evidence that meditation has a tangible effect on the brain — there is evidence that meditation changes brain structures.

arrow_blue_small Scientists probe meditation secrets

Health Science Social Technology

Computer Security Team to Report Hacking Into Defibrillator-Pacemaker

With the right kit and a little know-how, it is possible to hack into a pacemaker and take control.

arrow_blue_small Scientists Demonstrate Deadly WiFi Pacemaker Hack (research paper)

Health Innovation Life Nature Science Social Technology

Teach your brain to stretch time

‘Mike Hall has taught himself to stretch time. He uses his powers to make him a better squash player. “It’s hard to describe, but it’s a feeling of stillness, like I’m not trapped in sequential time any more,” he says. “The ball still darts around, but it moves around the court at different speeds depending on the circumstances. It’s like I’ve stepped out of linear time.”‘

arrow_blue_small Teach your brain to stretch time

Business Health Life Nature Social Travel

Bottled Water Vs. Tap Water

Chemicals, contaminants, pollution, price: new reasons to rethink what you drink and beware of bottled water.
arrow_blue_small Bottled Water Vs. Tap Water

Business Education Finance Health Social

Best places to be…

The best places to be…

arrow_blue_small The World’s Happiest Countries

arrow_blue_small Best Places to Raise Your Kids

arrow_blue_small The Best and Worst Housing Markets 2007

arrow_blue_small The Biggest Metro Areas with the Lowest Rents

Education Health Life Productivity Science Social

Daytime sleep improves memory

A ninety minute daytime nap helps speed up the process of long term memory consolidation, a recent study conducted by Prof. Avi Karni and Dr. Maria Korman of the Center for Brain and Behavior Research at the University of Haifa found. The research was published in the scientific journal Nature Neuroscience. “We still don’t know the exact mechanism of the memory process that occurs during sleep, but the results of this research suggest the possibility that it is possible to speed up memory consolidation, and in the future, we may be able to do it artificially,” said Prof. Karni. [via Eurekalert]

arrow_blue_small Daytime sleep improves memory consolidation

Health Life Productivity Social

How to survive a burnout at work

IF, it seems impossible to do basic work you know you’re capable of, you find it hard to relax, everything seems gray and pointless, what was once fun and challenging feel stupid and annoying or perhaps the things that used to motivate or move you don’t resonate at all, you might be suffering a ‘creative burnout’. This essay points out how to identify the root cause, how to cure it and/or how to face it. [via LifeHacker]

arrow_blue_small How to survive creative burnout

Finance Health India Social Travel

India top destination for UK NHS stricken patients

“India has emerged the most popular destination for British patients wanting to undergo surgery for ailments that would otherwise take months to treat in the National Health Service (NHS).”

“Several websites based in India and Britain act as a single-window facility to arrange treatment for British nationals. Many of them return home, singing praises to the quality of treatment and post-operative care they received in India.”

arrow_blue_small British patients favour India most for treatment

Business Health Innovation Science Technology

‘Green’ architecture at its best

Skidmore, Owings & Merrill (SOM) have designed a 71-story, 2.2-million-square-foot net-zero-energy-skyscraper called Pearl River Tower as the headquarters of CNTC Guangdong Tobacco Company in new city of Guangzhou, China. The high-tech design employs four ways to make it environmentally friendly: reduction, reclamation, absorption and generation. Check the link for pictures. – [via BD4D]

SOM’s Pearl River Tower