Art Education Innovation Nature Productivity Social Technology

High Dynamic Range photo processing

Free, open-source image processing app Qtpfsgui takes in groups of standard digital camera shots of the same scene or object and runs them through a high dynamic range imaging filter, creating striking images with more depth of color.

Read the article: Qtpfsgui Makes Standard Digicam Shots More Vibrant

Art Business Education Innovation Productivity Technology

Test your web design in different browsers

Browsershots makes screenshots of your web design in different browsers. It is a free online service.

Read the article: Check Browser Compatibility, Cross Platform Browser Test – Browsershots

Business Finance Health India Innovation Life Social Technology

Finally, a lifeline for India’s poor

Nothing causes as much anxiety in a family as when someone falls sick. Nearly 65% of India’s poor get into debt and 1% fall below the poverty line each year because of illness, according to National Sample Survey Organisation (NSSO) 2004. The answer, of course, is health insurance, but only 6% of India’s workers have it.

Read the article: Finally, a lifeline for India’s poor

Business Education History Innovation Life Productivity Science Technology

Steve Jobs Stanford Commencement Speech

Steve Jobs Stanford Commencement Speech in 2005.


Innovation Productivity Technology

TeraCopy – Better and Faster file copying for Windows

Do you work a lot with large files, or need to synchronize large blocks of files between two drives? For both of these applications, a free Windows application called TeraCopy is a much better solution than Windows Explorer and most of the file copying utilities out there.

Read the article: TeraCopy: A Free Way to Trounce Windows File Copying

Innovation Science Technology

Enhancing video using static images

Students from University of Washington have devised technichques using which videos containing atrifacts can be enhanced and improved using one or more static images of the same scene.

[vodpod id=ExternalVideo.663701&w=425&h=350&]

more about "Enhancing video using static images", posted with vodpod

Business Education Innovation Technology

Story of the personal computer

Triumph of the nerds” – A documentary by Robert Cringley tells the story of the personal computer and how the industry evolved. Unsurprisingly it mentions Bill Gates (Microsoft), Steve jobs and Steve Wozniak (Apple) and IBM, but there are some not-so-well-known figures that contributed significantly to the fledgling industry of the 1970s and 80s.

See the whole documentary here

Art China History Innovation Life Nature Social Travel

Breathtaking pictures from 2008 Olympics Opening Ceremony

Breathtaking pictures from 2008 Olympics Opening Ceremony!

2008 Olympics Opening Ceremony

Business Education Finance Health India Innovation Life Nature Productivity Science Social Sports Technology Travel

Social news for India @

The new ‘Powered by reddit’ brings social news for India; based on reddit source and with a clean and minimal user-interface like YCombinator’s Hacker News. The site allows user participation to submit new stories, to share them via email, comment on them or vote it up or down.

Business Education Innovation Productivity Technology

Stream files to share them

Streaming allows the upload and download at the same time, without the first person completely uploading the file. New startup brings streaming of files to web — innovative!
