Business Life Social Technology

Internet, as we know, may end soon?

Some companies want to become Internet’s gatekeepers and control what can be and can’t be accessed on the Internet for a given price. Below is a video which explains what this means and how the general public can prevent this from happening.

Such sentiments are echoed by Sir Tim Berners Lee (inventor of web) in his blog post on net neutrality.

Number of websites have sprung up to prevent it from happening such as,, and Google’s stance on the issue.


Please share your views and ideas in the comments below. Raise your voice against this!

Related post: A documentary on net neutrality

Life Social

Randy Pausch’s ‘Last Lecture’ – truly inspirational

Randy Pausch is a professor at Carnegie Mellon University and suffering with Pancreatic cancer. Below is a presentation he gave as if it were his ‘last lecture’. In this lecture, he talks about achieving his childhood dreams. I also liked his talk on time management.


Business Education Finance India Life Productivity Science Social Technology

Web’s top blogs @

Alltop, all the top stories is a refined collection of some of the best blogs on the web categorised under different sections like life, gossip, startups, programming, travel, India, China, etc. (82 categories at the time of writing).

If it adds any credibility, one of person behind Alltop is Guy Kawasaki, that was a good enough reason for me to look at it.

Business Life Productivity Social

Does power really corrupt?

An interesting article about perception and performance. “Contrary to conventional wisdom, a study suggests that people at the bottom of the workplace totem pole don’t end up there for lack of ability, but rather that being low and powerless in a hierarchy leads to more mistakes.”

Does power corrupt? Absolutely not

Education Life Meta Social

Settle for less in love

A single-woman’s and also a single-mother’s perspective of life. Interesting user comments follow, for example: There is always “better.” Ask instead, what’s “enough?”

Settle for less in love

Business Education India Innovation Life Productivity Travel

Travel 2.0 in India

Air Travel and Web 2.0 are making a tremendous impact in India. Here is the definitive list of Travel 2.0 in India.

Innovation Life Science Social Technology

Want to remember everything you’ll ever learn?

A slightly lengthy but super-interesting read about the birth of SuperMemo, a software that will help you remember things. It exploits the spacing effect to decide which information to remind you of and when.

Want to Remember Everything You’ll Ever Learn? Surrender to this algorithm

Education History Innovation Life Science

Inspired talks by the world’s greatest thinkers and doers

For example, here is a lesson in Physics.

Inspired talks by the world’s greatest thinkers and doers at TED

Art Innovation Life Social Technology

Super Mario in Browser!

So cool! 🙂

Super Mario in 14kB Javascript

Education Health History India Life Meta Nature Productivity Science

Meditation for inner peace

Scientists are beginning to uncover evidence that meditation has a tangible effect on the brain — there is evidence that meditation changes brain structures.

arrow_blue_small Scientists probe meditation secrets