Art Education History Innovation Productivity Technology Travel

Google maps mashup by Google

Google mashup with photos and wikipedia entries!

Google mashup

Business Education India Innovation Life Productivity Travel

Travel 2.0 in India

Air Travel and Web 2.0 are making a tremendous impact in India. Here is the definitive list of Travel 2.0 in India.

Innovation Social Technology Travel

Track your moves with TrackStick

“Tracksticks are small GPS location recorders capable of continuously logging their own location histories for extended periods of time. These detailed recordings include time, date, location, speed, heading and altitude. Built-in flash memory and long battery life allows for the storage of months of travel information.”

Plug it in the USB drive and overlay your moves on Google maps or other supported mapping services. Perfect backpacking companion.

arrow_blue_small TrackStick

Life Social Travel

Sad state of French Housing

“It took six months for Liberation journalist Ondine Millot to get to the truth about the most sordid side of France’s housing crisis.” – BBC

arrow_blue_small France’s sordid housing crisis

Art Innovation Life Nature Social Technology Travel

Flickr images as they are uploaded

Flickr images as they are uploaded. Clever mashup.

arrow_blue_small Flickrvision

Business Health Life Nature Social Travel

Bottled Water Vs. Tap Water

Chemicals, contaminants, pollution, price: new reasons to rethink what you drink and beware of bottled water.
arrow_blue_small Bottled Water Vs. Tap Water

Business Innovation Productivity Technology Travel

Kindle, e-reader from Amazon

Today Amazon launched an electronic reader to read books, magazines, blogs etc. on the move. 3 years in production, the look and feel gives the impression that it has been in production for 30 years without any recent updates. You can buy books via Amazon’s book store from anywhere using the inbuilt wireless technology used by mobile phones. Amazon must be hoping to replicate the revolution for books as ipod did for music. I very much doubt it due to the fact that it is far from being ‘cool’ and I find it of little use to me. But then I am not an avid reader of books.

arrow_blue_small Kindle: First Impressions

Education Innovation Science Technology Travel

Robotic Cars race it to the end

The team from Carnegie Mellon University finished first in the DARPA Urban Challenge where robotic cars were to complete a fully autonomous 60-mile journey including turns, intersections, overtaking and flat out cruising. Stanford came in second with Victor Tango in third place. MIT finished sixth. (via Scobleizer)

arrow_blue_small Carnegie Mellon and GM’s Boss Wins DARPA Urban Challenge

Finance Health India Social Travel

India top destination for UK NHS stricken patients

“India has emerged the most popular destination for British patients wanting to undergo surgery for ailments that would otherwise take months to treat in the National Health Service (NHS).”

“Several websites based in India and Britain act as a single-window facility to arrange treatment for British nationals. Many of them return home, singing praises to the quality of treatment and post-operative care they received in India.”

arrow_blue_small British patients favour India most for treatment

Social Travel

Atrocities in American Airports

Think well before you travel to USA on a visa!

Atrocities in American Airports