Art Business History India Life Social

‘Slumdog’ Oscar success divides India

The film has been sharply criticised as “poverty porn”. Well-respected local filmmakers have described the film as titillating western audiences with its portrayal of slum life. “It’s nothing but a mediocre Bollywood film, which has used references from several Hindi films very smartly,” …

Read the article: ‘Slumdog’ Oscar success divides India

Art Education History Innovation Social

Word Cloud Analysis of Obama’s Inaugural Speech

Word Cloud Analysis of Obama’s Inaugural Speech Compared to Bush, Clinton, Reagan, Lincoln’s.

Read the article: Word Cloud Analysis of Obama’s Inaugural Speech

Art Education Life Nature Productivity Science Social Technology Travel

How to Use Your New Digital Camera

If Santa left a new digital camera under your tree this year…

Read the article: How To: How To Use Your New Digital Camera

Art Productivity Technology

Turn Firefox into a Google Chrome Clone

If you like the Chrome UI but love Adblock Plus, here is how-to get the best of both worlds! Via lifehacker

Read the article: Google Chrome: Turn Firefox into a Google Chrome Clone

Art Education Innovation Nature Productivity Social Technology

High Dynamic Range photo processing

Free, open-source image processing app Qtpfsgui takes in groups of standard digital camera shots of the same scene or object and runs them through a high dynamic range imaging filter, creating striking images with more depth of color.

Read the article: Qtpfsgui Makes Standard Digicam Shots More Vibrant

Art Business Education Innovation Productivity Technology

Test your web design in different browsers

Browsershots makes screenshots of your web design in different browsers. It is a free online service.

Read the article: Check Browser Compatibility, Cross Platform Browser Test – Browsershots

Art Education Health Life Meta Nature Social

The best presentation of Happy Life

The best presentation of Happy Life!

Art China History Innovation Life Nature Social Travel

Breathtaking pictures from 2008 Olympics Opening Ceremony

Breathtaking pictures from 2008 Olympics Opening Ceremony!

2008 Olympics Opening Ceremony

Art Education Innovation Social

Browser fun: Sand in a browser window

A neat Flash application that simulates sand in a browser window!

Art Education Innovation Social

Browser fun: Scalable Vector Graphics app

A neat SVG application that do not make use of Flash/Silverlight or Java for interactive user-interface, just vanilla SVG.
