Innovation Nature Science Technology

Water computer

MIT’s Paulo is doing some exciting work with ‘Programmable Water’; very early days, nonetheless very exciting. My dad started his PhD research at IIT Bombay in 1972 on exactly this topic!

Do we really invent things or simply rediscover them?

Programmable Water

Business Innovation Technology

Inkless printer

Rather than spray ink over paper, have the ink embedded in the paper and selectively highlight tiny points on the paper – neat!

Inkless printer to be built into digital cameras

Health Innovation Science Technology

Enabling the blind to see

Researchers at University of California have developed retinal implants creating a bionic eye, enabling the blind people to retore their visual capabilities. The resolution is poor due to early days, but has great potential.

Bionic eye implants look ahead

Innovation Technology

All you ever wanted to know about rich applications (and maybe more)

  • Future applications = Rich Applications (RA)
  • RA = Rich Internet Applications (RIA) or Rich Client Applications (RCA)
  • RIA preferred over RCA, where/when ever possible – browser rules
  • RIA = Flex, AJAX, …
  • RCA = Eclipse RCP, maybe .NET Platform, …

assuming ease of use, cross-platform, wide acceptance, not domain specific etc.

Adobe’s decision to buy Macromedia wasn’t so bad after all!

How and Why AJAX, Not Java, Became the Favored Technology for RIAs

Business Innovation Technology

Pipes and Filters for the Internet

“I want to talk about the implications for that marvelous aspect of the fundamental UNIX design: the pipe, and its ability to connect small independent programs so that they could collectively perform functions beyond the capability of any of them alone. What is the equivalent of the pipe in the age of the web? …This is one of the REALLY BIG IDEAS that is going to shape the next five or ten years of computing.”

Pipes and Filters for the Internet

Business Innovation Science Technology

‘high-k’ ensures that Moore’s Law will endure

Touted as the biggest change in computer chips in 40 years, the ‘high-k’ stuff allows to transition from current 65nm process to 45nm; Moore’s Law to endure, contrary to popular belief every n years that it has reached its limits! A simultaneous and independent breakthrough by IBM (and co) and Intel. IBM is to focus on higher performance, whilst Intel is to focus on lower power consumption at equivalent or better performance.

IBM, Intel pace each other with improved transistors

Business Innovation Nature Social Technology

Alternative Energy is hotter than ever!

“The reason we’re allocating dollars to this sector is we think we can deliver attractive returns…It’s not because we want to do great things for the environment or great things for the world,” though he adds that that is a “great byproduct.”

Green investments: The color of money

Business Innovation Technology

Are Software Patents Evil?

Innovation vs. Invention… listen to what Paul Graham has to say.

Are Software Patents Evil?

Business Innovation Social Technology

Joost may make IPTV a reality?

Joost, aka the Venice Project — an Internet television browser developed by the Skype team — allows users to instantly flip among thousands of channels of full-screen video. The service is free, and it’s supported by one minute of targeted advertisements per hour.

Joost Another YouTube?

Business Finance Innovation Technology

Google as a cluster company…

For a moment, forget about the technology that Google creates and focus on the innovative business model — Google as a cluster company — a core plus lots of small startups; and as a VC.

The Google Development Algorithm