Education Innovation Meta Technology

Scribd: YouTube of documents

Scribd is a user-based web portal where the users can upload PDF, Word, PowerPoint, Excel, Text, etc. files to share with others. The files can be opened in embedded viewers on the website. Presently the content on the website is neither quantitative nor qualitative, however, it has great potential. Original source: LifeHacker


Science Technology

Algorithms – is it still useful to understand them?

Absolutely. Learn more about algorithms from this excellent set of tutorials!

Algorithm Tutorials

Nature Science Technology

Scientists successfully store “e=mc2 1905” on DNA of living matter

“A Japanese university announced scientists there have developed a new technology that uses bacteria DNA as a medium for storing data long-term, even for thousands of years.”

Scientists: Data-storing bacteria could last thousands of years

Innovation Technology

The future of computing hardware and views from THE experts

“Since real world applications are naturally parallel and hardware is naturally parallel, what we need is a programming model, system software, and a supporting architecture that are naturally parallel. Researchers have the rare opportunity to re-invent these cornerstones of computing, provided they simplify the efficient programming of highly parallel systems.”

The Landscape of Parallel Computing Research: A View From Berkeley

Related Posts: Insight into future of Computer Architecture, Three Performance-Limiting Walls

Business History India Social Technology

A tribute to individuals who have shaped the Indian IT Industry

Dataquest magazine’s 2002 tribute to the people who have helped turn the Indian IT dream into reality. With a five years hindsight, there is no denial that it is an impressively accurate list!

A Dataquest Tribute: The IT Indians

Related Post: 15 Most respected Indian companies

Business History India Innovation Social Technology

The big Indian mobile revolution

“…But what is truly wonderful about the “mobile miracle” is that it has accomplished something India’s old socialist policies talked about but did little to achieve: It has empowered the less fortunate.”

India’s great leveler: cell phones

Business Innovation Technology

America’s best young entrepreneurs

A list compiled by of twenty-five businesses instigated by entrepreneurs under 25. Be Inspired.

America’s Best Young Entrepreneurs

Related posts: Subroto Bagchi on Entrepreneurship, Bill Gates on Innovation and Technical vitality

Education Technology

Stanford on iTunes

Stanford on iTunes U provides access to a wide range of Stanford-related digital audio content via the Apple’s iTunes Store. The public site includes Stanford courses, faculty lectures, event highlights, music, sports, and more.

Stanford on iTunes

Related posts:  Collection of e-libraries, MIT’s OpenCourseware

Business Education India Innovation Science Social Technology

Bill Gates on Innovation and Technical vitality

Bill Gates shares his insight on Innovation and Technical vitality – a succinct well written piece. I fully concur with his viewpoint – there is an urgent need for better science education and for reformed immigration policy for “global innovation” and for creating “greater value” (turning ideas into businesses and social welfare opportunities). An excerpt from an update — “The IT industry, I guarantee you,” Gates said, “will be in the U.S. to the degree that these smart people are here in the U.S.”

How to Keep America Competitive

Productivity Technology

Notepad2: Notepad with some oomph

The same simple and fast Notepad with extra features:

  • Customizable syntax highlighting:
    • HTML, XML, CSS, JavaScript, ASP, PHP, Perl/CGI
    • C/C++, C#, Java, VB, SQL, Python, NSIS, etc.
  • Drag & drop text editing inside and outside Notepad2
  • Basic regular expression search and replace
  • Brace matching, auto indent, long line marker, zoom functions
  • Support for Unicode, UTF-8, Unix and Mac text files
  • Open shell links

… and more

Note: This is not an official Windows release.

Get Notepad2