OS – wastedmonkeys http://wastedmonkeys.com Mon, 12 Jan 2009 20:43:44 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=5.3.2 BumpTop, rethink your desktop http://wastedmonkeys.com/bumptop-rethink-your-desktop/ Mon, 12 Jan 2009 20:43:44 +0000 http://wastedmonkeys.com/2009/01/12/bumptop-rethink-your-desktop/ BumpTop is a fresh and engaging new way to interact with your computer desktop. You can pile and toss documents like on a real desk. Break free from the rigid and mechanical style of standard point-and-click desktops. Interact by pushing, pulling and piling documents with elegant, self revealing gestures. BumpTop’s stunning interface makes clever use of 3D presentation and smooth physics-based animations for an engaging, vivid user experience.

Video: BumpTop in action

Read the article: BumpTop

Startup Founders Turn Android into Desktop OS http://wastedmonkeys.com/startup-founders-turn-android-into-desktop-os/ Sat, 03 Jan 2009 14:41:24 +0000 http://wastedmonkeys.com/2009/01/03/startup-founders-turn-android-into-desktop-os/ “Matthaus Krzykowski and Daniel Hartmann, founders of the stealth startup Mobile-facts, have found that you can take Google’s smartphone operating system, Android, and use it as a desktop operating system. The dauntless duo found that it took them only “about four hours of work to compile Android for the netbook.”

Read the article: Startup Founders Turn Android into Desktop OS
