Comments on: The Consumer Paradox Tue, 12 Feb 2008 10:36:51 +0000 hourly 1 By: jyoti Tue, 12 Feb 2008 10:36:51 +0000 It is not neccessary that self esteem and materialism may always go hand in hand ……self esteem is once perception …if u go by maslows need hierarchy theory then need for self esteem comes after material need are satisfied….moreover it is not neccesary that as self esteem is satisfied the need for materials decreases……it may increase further as u see in case of actors over spending to satisfy their self actualisation needs…..

to see from over point of view , it is also not true that materials increases a persons self esteem ….as in case of gandhiji he was operating at a high esteem plus actualisation levels wherelse his some material needs were unsatisfied

hence self esteem and materials do not go hand in hand where a person has a clear defination of self esteem…..

By: Retail therapy « web pruned by monkeys Mon, 11 Feb 2008 09:24:27 +0000 […] post: The consumer paradox One […]

By: Saket Rungta Thu, 15 Nov 2007 10:06:27 +0000 Vishal, it’s great to read your comment. Thanks for your thoughts, I fully concur! 🙂

By: Vishal Goel Thu, 15 Nov 2007 09:37:54 +0000 human beings like to be in equilibrium with the environment or the universe that we live in. a simple example is that of two jars of water with different levels. when connected at the bottom the jar with the lesser water accepts the water from the other to equal the level of water in both jars.

human beings suffer from low self esteem when they believe that they are lesser individuals than those around them. Then the next attempt is to try and fill the void and feel more complete by procuring what is most easily available, i.e. things that can be bought without any effort. however, these materialistic belongings only provide a temporary consolation and soon the person looses the charm of having them. then he goes out looking for more things to replace the older ones. and the cycle keeps repeating itself.

If on the other hand the person suffering from a low self esteem were to introspect and then start a process of self improvement towards his ideal standards, he will automatically start respecting himself more. it all boils down to whether we are bold enough to make the decisions that cause us pain, but at the same time are the right decisions. this ability to do what we believe to be right is what gains us multi-fold advancement in the way we look at ourselves, simply put an increase in our self esteem.
