Who is more evil – Google or Facebook? Or, maybe you don’t care, but there is an ongoing battle for user data and user attention on the web 🙂 Why Microsoft will buy Facebook and keep it closed
Category: Education
Google mashup with photos and wikipedia entries!
A single-woman’s and also a single-mother’s perspective of life. Interesting user comments follow, for example: There is always “better.” Ask instead, what’s “enough?”
Top500.org generates lists of world’s supercomputers based on various user defined metrics. For example here is a list of the supercomputers ranked by the processing speed (most number of operations per second) which is toped by IBM’s BlueGene/L at 478 TeraFlops (trillion operations per second).
Air Travel and Web 2.0 are making a tremendous impact in India. Here is the definitive list of Travel 2.0 in India.
For example, here is a lesson in Physics.
Inspired talks by the world’s greatest thinkers and doers at TED
Support Tibet against China’s colonization of Tibet!
Scientists are beginning to uncover evidence that meditation has a tangible effect on the brain — there is evidence that meditation changes brain structures.
Often, even great new technology needs a partner to really change the world. Here are 10 marriages of technologies that have shaken the digital world over the last 25 years.
Google Apps for your domain is great for small businesses and organisations that would like [email protected] functionality, with free backing Gmail accounts – with excellent spam filtering and generous Inbox sizes. However, it is quite disappointing to create domain pages for myDomain.com and feels very 1990s.