Business Technology

Google’s second click versus Facebook’s second click

The fight for the “second click” refers to Google thinking about how they can control not just the first click (Search!) but also provide a shortcut to answer the query on a second click.

arrow_blue_small Google’s second click versus Facebook’s second click

Health Science Social Technology

Computer Security Team to Report Hacking Into Defibrillator-Pacemaker

With the right kit and a little know-how, it is possible to hack into a pacemaker and take control.

arrow_blue_small Scientists Demonstrate Deadly WiFi Pacemaker Hack (research paper)

Productivity Technology

Mozilla Releases Firefox 3 Beta 4

Firefox 3 Beta 4 is now available for download. And has significant performance improvements. Yay! 

arrow_blue_small Firefox 3 Beta 4 download

Art Innovation Life Nature Social Technology Travel

Flickr images as they are uploaded

Flickr images as they are uploaded. Clever mashup.

arrow_blue_small Flickrvision

Business Innovation Productivity Technology

Finally, a cool promising way to sync and share files — Dropbox

Very cool, see the promotional video!

arrow_blue_small GetDropbox

Life Social

Ten worst countries for women

In spite of real progress around the globe, the bedrock problems that have dogged women for centuries remain. 

arrow_blue_small Ten worst countries for women

Innovation Productivity Technology

Automate your mundane web tasks with CoScripter

CoScripter is an extension to the Firefox browser that captures commands and entries as a person uses the Internet, a process called programming by demonstration. The resulting script appears in a pane of the browser window. In some respects, CoScripter works like the macro recording function of Microsoft Word, but there is a critical difference. Unlike Word macros, CoScripter results can be edited easily because they’re written in understandable language. They can also be shared through a wiki, which minimizes re-invention of internet “wheels.” CoScripter is also useful for repetitive common daily processes on the Web such as checking email, checking flight arrival times and status, or searching for WI-FI hotspots in an area. Key to CoScripter is what the researchers dubbed “sloppy programming.” This means the script is readable both by humans and machines.

arrow_blue_small CoScripter

Business India Innovation Social Technology

India Gets WiMax

Tata Communications, part of the Indian Tata Group conglomerate, aims to blanket India in WiMax, a super-speedy version of wireless broadband, by March 2009. Access will cost about $25 a month.

arrow_blue_small India Gets WiMax

Related post:  Massive WiMax network for India

Education Life Productivity Science Social

Sum total

With Valentine’s Day around the corner, don’t trust your instincts when it comes to selecting a mate. Human decision making is seriously flawed – but it can be fixed with a few simple sums…

As described by the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle, by introducing tools to measure a situation, we can affect the situation itself.

arrow_blue_small  How to make better decisions

Finance Life Science Social

Retail therapy

The researchers discovered that feeling down triggers self-centered thinking. This egocentrism augments the likelihood that some one spend more money than usual for an item, in order to make them feel better.

arrow_blue_small Depression Leads To Egocentrism Which Augments Money Spending

Related post: The consumer paradox