From solving problems to flashes of inspiration, scientists are beginning to unravel the creative powerhouse that is the mind at night.
Read the article: Waiting for that life-changing idea? Just sleep on it
From solving problems to flashes of inspiration, scientists are beginning to unravel the creative powerhouse that is the mind at night.
Read the article: Waiting for that life-changing idea? Just sleep on it
A single-woman’s and also a single-mother’s perspective of life. Interesting user comments follow, for example: There is always “better.” Ask instead, what’s “enough?”
Scientists are beginning to uncover evidence that meditation has a tangible effect on the brain — there is evidence that meditation changes brain structures.
Metadata, and more specifically tagging, has become synonymous with the Web 2.0 experience. Tagging allows you (and more importantly, others) to quickly find information of relevance using a couple of keywords. However, if you are a content creator, it’s also time-consuming, and you risk overlooking certain keywords.
Solutions have been available for automatically tagging text for a while, but now TagCow are offering a solution for automatically tagging your photographs. The technology used (if it is indeed technology, and not an equivalent to Amazon’s Mechanical Turk) appears to be intentionally vague, but the upshot is that you can upload photos to be tagged, or it can be set to automatically tag all photos in your Flickr stream. You can even provide images of your friends and family, which will then be used to identify and tag them in future photographs.
An impressive list and words of wisdom.
50 things I’ve learned in 50 years, a partial list in no particular order
Researchers have found that low self-esteem and materialism are not just a correlation, but also a causal relationship where low self esteem increases materialism, and materialism can also create low self-esteem. The also found that as self esteem increases, materialism decreases.
“The only reason a great many American families don’t own an elephant is that they have never been offered an elephant for a dollar down and easy weekly payments.” 🙂
The Consumer Paradox: Scientists Find that Low Self-Esteem and Materialism Goes Hand in Hand
A real life story that touched my heart!
I was just reading this article and found it very interesting. It is bit slow in the middle, but see if you like it.
Scribd is a user-based web portal where the users can upload PDF, Word, PowerPoint, Excel, Text, etc. files to share with others. The files can be opened in embedded viewers on the website. Presently the content on the website is neither quantitative nor qualitative, however, it has great potential. Original source: LifeHacker