Health Innovation Life Nature Science Social Technology

Teach your brain to stretch time

‘Mike Hall has taught himself to stretch time. He uses his powers to make him a better squash player. “It’s hard to describe, but it’s a feeling of stillness, like I’m not trapped in sequential time any more,” he says. “The ball still darts around, but it moves around the court at different speeds depending on the circumstances. It’s like I’ve stepped out of linear time.”‘

arrow_blue_small Teach your brain to stretch time

Productivity Technology

Mozilla Releases Firefox 3 Beta 4

Firefox 3 Beta 4 is now available for download. And has significant performance improvements. Yay! 

arrow_blue_small Firefox 3 Beta 4 download

Art Innovation Life Nature Social Technology Travel

Flickr images as they are uploaded

Flickr images as they are uploaded. Clever mashup.

arrow_blue_small Flickrvision

Business Innovation Productivity Technology

Finally, a cool promising way to sync and share files — Dropbox

Very cool, see the promotional video!

arrow_blue_small GetDropbox

Innovation Productivity Technology

Automate your mundane web tasks with CoScripter

CoScripter is an extension to the Firefox browser that captures commands and entries as a person uses the Internet, a process called programming by demonstration. The resulting script appears in a pane of the browser window. In some respects, CoScripter works like the macro recording function of Microsoft Word, but there is a critical difference. Unlike Word macros, CoScripter results can be edited easily because they’re written in understandable language. They can also be shared through a wiki, which minimizes re-invention of internet “wheels.” CoScripter is also useful for repetitive common daily processes on the Web such as checking email, checking flight arrival times and status, or searching for WI-FI hotspots in an area. Key to CoScripter is what the researchers dubbed “sloppy programming.” This means the script is readable both by humans and machines.

arrow_blue_small CoScripter

Business India Innovation Social Technology

India Gets WiMax

Tata Communications, part of the Indian Tata Group conglomerate, aims to blanket India in WiMax, a super-speedy version of wireless broadband, by March 2009. Access will cost about $25 a month.

arrow_blue_small India Gets WiMax

Related post:  Massive WiMax network for India

Productivity Technology

Microsoft IE8 to follow web standards

Microsoft said on their Internet Explorer blog – “We’ve decided that IE8 will, by default, interpret web content in the most standards compliant way it can. This decision is a change from what we’ve posted previously.”

arrow_blue_small Microsoft’s Interoperability Principles and IE8

Business Finance Social Technology

Yahoo rejects Microsoft, considering AOL deal

Yahoo! has confirmed sending a rejection letter to Microsoft for their $44.6 billion take over offer stating that Microsoft has greatly undervalued it. Instead Yahoo! is reconsidering a deal with AOL after rejecting an earlier offer from them.

arrow_blue_small Yahoo confirms rejection letter to Microsoft

arrow_blue_small Yahoo! set to revive merger talks with AOL

Related post: Microsoft offers to buy Yahoo for $44.6 billion!

Education Science Technology

World University Rankings 2007

Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2007

arrow_blue_small World University Rankings 2007

Business Finance Technology

Microsoft offers to buy Yahoo for $44.6 billion!

“Microsoft Corp., the world’s biggest software maker, made an unsolicited $44.6 billion offer for Yahoo! Inc. to challenge Google Inc.’s dominance in Internet search services and advertising.The $31-a-share bid of cash or Microsoft stock is 62 percent more than Yahoo’s closing price yesterday. Before today, Yahoo had dropped 18 percent this year in Nasdaq Stock Market trading, and said this week that fourth-quarter profit fell 23 percent.” – Bloomberg

arrow_blue_small Microsoft offers to buy Yahoo for $44.6 billion