Social Technology

Ways to send big files

If you want to send files bigger than what your email client allows, have a look at the lists of tools mentioned below. From the ones mentioned there, I have tried using DropSend and would recommend it. It is a very easy tool using which you can send upto 5 files upto the size of 1GB each, per month for free.

arrow_blue_small 7 Ways to send huge files (see comments also)

arrow_blue_small 196 resources on online storage

    Business Finance Innovation Technology

    To be or not to be – in Silicon Valley

    I had the opportunity to attended the Future of Web Apps (FOWA) conference in London 3-5 October ’07. A key talk I eagerly awaited was one by Paul Graham on “The Future of Web Startups“. In his talk, Graham made a point, that to really succeed startups need to move to a hub like, and especially, Silicon Valley.

    Ryan Carson, the organiser of the event, was not convinced by Graham’s claim and asserted his opinion on the stage after the talk. According to him, startups needn’t be in Silicon Valley to succeed.

    This confutation was catered-to by Paul Graham in his following article/essay “Why to move to a startup hub” which in-turn spawned a debate led by Ryan Carson here and here.

    According to

    Innovation Productivity Technology

    3D search & browsing

    A new, patent pending, technology by SpaceTime lets you search and browse the internet through multiple windows laid in a 3D orientation, either according to relevance or time. For instance, upon a Google search, actual website previews can be seen in a stack of windows which can be browsed quickly and zoomed into if required for detailed perusal. Similarly an eBay search lets you browse through related products in a similar 3D way. [via Mashable]

    arrow_blue_small SpaceTime’s 3D Search & Browsing

    Productivity Technology

    Adding a new class in LyX (windows)

    In case you are wondering what is LyX, see here.

    To add a new custom class into LyX (Windows), it can be tricky as it is non intuitive. Here’s a small tutorial on how to do it.

    1. Copy the xxx.cls file in ~\miktex###\tex\latex\
    (where ### is the version (may or may not exist))

    2. Make a layout file matching the class file (xxx.layout) like this (you may add extra settings), replacing xxx by your class name in the layout file:

    #% Do not delete the line below; configure depends on this
    # \DeclareLaTeXClass[xxx]{article (xxx)}
    # Input general definitions

    3. Copy this file to the \Lyx###\Resources\layouts\

    4. Go to Start > Run ; type in ‘cmd’ and press enter ; on the command prompt type ‘texhash’

    5. In LyX, do: Tools > Reconfigure ; Restart Lyx.

    Now you should be able to use the document class in LyX as usual: Document > Settings > Document Class > Document Class > xxx

    Business Innovation Science Technology

    Inkless printing with Zink

    A small hand-held printer is one of many upcoming products from Zink which produces inkless polaroid quality, water proof prints instantly. “The core of the technology is the paper, which is layered with crystals that, when melted at specific temperatures, become colored.” – [via VentureBeat]

    arrow_blue_small Zink offers inkless printing, raises $25M

    Business Health Innovation Science Technology

    ‘Green’ architecture at its best

    Skidmore, Owings & Merrill (SOM) have designed a 71-story, 2.2-million-square-foot net-zero-energy-skyscraper called Pearl River Tower as the headquarters of CNTC Guangdong Tobacco Company in new city of Guangzhou, China. The high-tech design employs four ways to make it environmentally friendly: reduction, reclamation, absorption and generation. Check the link for pictures. – [via BD4D]

    SOM’s Pearl River Tower

    Business Technology

    Sun to sell Windows Server boxes!

    “In a rather stunning bit of news, Microsoft and Sun Micorsystems announced at a press conference that Sun has signed up to become a Windows Server Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM), selling Sun x64-based servers that come bundled with Microsoft Windows Server 2003.” – ars technica

    Sun to sell Windows Server boxes

    Business Education Technology

    Facebook @ Stanford

    You know a web application/platform has become mainstream when there is a course at Stanford University on it. A course called “Create Engaging Web Applications Using Metrics and Learning on Facebook” will be added to Computer Science depatement’s offerings at Stanford this fall.  – via VentureBeat

    Facebook to take over Stanford classroom

    Business Education History Innovation Science Social Technology

    Irving Wladawsky-Berger’s talk

    I was delighted to attend Irving’s talk this morning. Some thoughts I retained and that I thought you may find insightful:

    • Innovation: Move from Technology innovation to Business innovation and Societal innovation
    • Complexity in IT: The need to learn from other engineering disciplines
      • Traditionally we have been compensating the lack of engineering with good/talented labour (consultants)
      • Business simulations to get it right the “first” time, like micro-processors/airplanes
    • The move from Industrial economy to Knowledge economy
      • And the move from “Classical” Engineering to “Services Sciences”
      • Moving up the value-chain/pyramid: At the very bottom is Technology, then Products, then Applications and then Business
      • Far fewer jobs expected at the bottom, and only the very best will be needed and will survive.
      • Move up the value-chain to do an interesting job
      • Business optimization > Business > Applications > Products > Technology
    • Flexibility and Adaptability – Not just important for success (opportunity) but important for survival (fear)
      • Fear >> Opportunities. Fear is more effective, typically.
      • Biological systems and eco-systems: Survival of the fittest
      • Business: Ability to respond to change
      • Personal also.
    • Human Designs – Visual, Interactive and Immersive interfaces for everything (virtual worlds)

    Productivity Technology

    Ways to access your computer remotely

    Here are more than 40 ways to access your computer from far away in case you felt the need. (via Mashable)

    40+ Ways To Access Your Computer Remotely