Business Innovation Productivity Technology

Startup Founders Turn Android into Desktop OS

“Matthaus Krzykowski and Daniel Hartmann, founders of the stealth startup Mobile-facts, have found that you can take Google’s smartphone operating system, Android, and use it as a desktop operating system. The dauntless duo found that it took them only “about four hours of work to compile Android for the netbook.”

Read the article: Startup Founders Turn Android into Desktop OS

Business Technology

Mozilla Firefox at 21% market share for browsers

Microsoft was not able to slow the market share loss of its Internet Explorer (IE) web browser in December. IE surrendered more than 1.5 points in December, according to Net Applications, while Firefox, Chrome and Safari posted substantial gains. Over the past 12 months, IE has lost almost 8 points, leaving the browser with the least amount of market share since 1999.

Read the article: IE falls below 69% market share, Firefox climbs above 21%

Art Education Life Nature Productivity Science Social Technology Travel

How to Use Your New Digital Camera

If Santa left a new digital camera under your tree this year…

Read the article: How To: How To Use Your New Digital Camera

Productivity Technology

Completely Uninstalling Windows Applications

When you uninstall a Windows application, the uninstaller doesn’t remove all the files and registry entries created by the application. Sometimes the developers were too lazy or they thought those files might be needed if you reinstall the application. The end result is that your computer loads slower because your registry contains more entries and the hard drive stores unnecessary files.

Revo Uninstaller is a software that lets you completely uninstall programs and it’s easier to use than the built-in “Add or remove programs”. You can search for a program or locate it in a more intuitive way: enter in the Hunter Mode, open the program you want to uninstall and drag the target to your program’s window.

Read the article: Completely Uninstalling Windows Applications

Business China Education Finance History India Life Science Social Technology

US global dominance ‘set to wane’

US economic, military and political dominance is likely to decline over the next two decades, according to a new US intelligence report on global trends. The National Intelligence Council (NIC) predicts China, India and Russia will increasingly challenge US influence.

Read the article: US global dominance ‘set to wane’

Productivity Technology

How to detach the quick launch bar in windows

Ever wanted the quick launch bar to be wider so that you could fit more apps into it and yet have space for the application tabs? Simply detach the quick launch bar and make it as a dock on the desktop attached to any screen side. The method described below will work on Windows XP and Vista alike.

Go to

C:\Users\{YourAccount}\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Internet Explorer

and drag the “QuickLaunch” folder to the desired screen-border. For best results, right click on the newly formed quick launch bar and select choose the options to remove the title, have small icons, uncheck auto hide and make it appear always on top.

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Business Innovation Life Productivity Social Technology

Talk face-to-face right from within Gmail

A new feature introduced today in Gmail allows free voice and video chat right from within Gmail. Nice!

Read the article: Official Google Blog: Talk face-to-face right from within Gmail

Business Education India Innovation Science Technology

Chandrayaan 1 captured by Moon

India is celebrating the arrival of its Chandrayaan 1 spacecraft at the Moon.

Read the article: Indian satellite orbiting Moon

Art Productivity Technology

Turn Firefox into a Google Chrome Clone

If you like the Chrome UI but love Adblock Plus, here is how-to get the best of both worlds! Via lifehacker

Read the article: Google Chrome: Turn Firefox into a Google Chrome Clone

Art Education Innovation Nature Productivity Social Technology

High Dynamic Range photo processing

Free, open-source image processing app Qtpfsgui takes in groups of standard digital camera shots of the same scene or object and runs them through a high dynamic range imaging filter, creating striking images with more depth of color.

Read the article: Qtpfsgui Makes Standard Digicam Shots More Vibrant