Innovation Science Technology

Enhancing video using static images

Students from University of Washington have devised technichques using which videos containing atrifacts can be enhanced and improved using one or more static images of the same scene.

[vodpod id=ExternalVideo.663701&w=425&h=350&]

more about "Enhancing video using static images", posted with vodpod

Business Education Innovation Technology

Story of the personal computer

Triumph of the nerds” – A documentary by Robert Cringley tells the story of the personal computer and how the industry evolved. Unsurprisingly it mentions Bill Gates (Microsoft), Steve jobs and Steve Wozniak (Apple) and IBM, but there are some not-so-well-known figures that contributed significantly to the fledgling industry of the 1970s and 80s.

See the whole documentary here

Art China History Innovation Life Nature Social Travel

Breathtaking pictures from 2008 Olympics Opening Ceremony

Breathtaking pictures from 2008 Olympics Opening Ceremony!

2008 Olympics Opening Ceremony

Business Education Finance Health India Innovation Life Nature Productivity Science Social Sports Technology Travel

Social news for India @

The new ‘Powered by reddit’ brings social news for India; based on reddit source and with a clean and minimal user-interface like YCombinator’s Hacker News. The site allows user participation to submit new stories, to share them via email, comment on them or vote it up or down.

Business Education Finance Social

Best online marketing articles of 2007

Here is a huge repository of articles relating to online marketing. These include how to use blogs, social media sites like Facebook, Digg, delicious, etc. to your benefit and other general marketing tactics.

Best internet marketing blog posts of 2007

Business China Education Finance Health India Life Nature Science Social

California consumes more petrol than India or China!

“…a familiar line spouted by Americans these days is, ‘Why should the US curb energy consumption, when India and China are guzzling petrol and polluting the whole globe?’…”

California consumes more petrol than India!

Amazing Stat: California Uses More Gas than China

Business Education Innovation Productivity Technology

Stream files to share them

Streaming allows the upload and download at the same time, without the first person completely uploading the file. New startup brings streaming of files to web — innovative!


Business Education Finance India Innovation Science Technology

VC activity in the US

VCs are collectively pumping about $7b per quarter on average in the US, with an average deal size of $7.5m, so approx 1000 new/renewed investments per quarter! The hot industries are usual suspects: software, energy and bio-tech.

VC Deals In Charts @ TechCrunch

Business Finance Life Social Technology

Al Gore’s energy challenge, we can solve it

Former Vice President of USA and an environmental activist, Al Gore, issued a challenge yesterday to all fellow Americans to achieve 100% energy from indigenously produced renewable sources within 10 years. This is not only a challenge for Americans, but a mission for all residents of the planet who ought to play their own part in their own region. Visit to sign up and join the revolution.


Business Education Innovation Productivity Social Technology

How to securely wipe your system before resale

Free, open-source boot disk utility Darik’s Boot and Nuke (DBAN) automatically and completely deletes the content of every hard disk it can find on your computer when you run it.

Darik’s Boot and Nuke Securely Wipes Your System in an Emergency