Absolutely. Learn more about algorithms from this excellent set of tutorials!
“A Japanese university announced scientists there have developed a new technology that uses bacteria DNA as a medium for storing data long-term, even for thousands of years.”
Scientists: Data-storing bacteria could last thousands of years
“Since real world applications are naturally parallel and hardware is naturally parallel, what we need is a programming model, system software, and a supporting architecture that are naturally parallel. Researchers have the rare opportunity to re-invent these cornerstones of computing, provided they simplify the efficient programming of highly parallel systems.”
The Landscape of Parallel Computing Research: A View From Berkeley
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Dataquest magazine’s 2002 tribute to the people who have helped turn the Indian IT dream into reality. With a five years hindsight, there is no denial that it is an impressively accurate list!
A Dataquest Tribute: The IT Indians
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“…But what is truly wonderful about the “mobile miracle” is that it has accomplished something India’s old socialist policies talked about but did little to achieve: It has empowered the less fortunate.”
“…But nobody will be exploring this sea by submarine. The water is locked in moisture-containing rocks 400 to 800 miles (700 to 1,400 kilometers) beneath the surface.”
A list compiled by BusinessWeek.com of twenty-five businesses instigated by entrepreneurs under 25. Be Inspired.
America’s Best Young Entrepreneurs
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“Imagine stringing together a thousand random words and then saying you’ve come up with the most beautiful poetry,” says Ono. “That’s essentially what Ramanujan did to us.” Via /.
UW scientists unlock major number theory puzzle
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Stanford on iTunes
Stanford on iTunes U provides access to a wide range of Stanford-related digital audio content via the Apple’s iTunes Store. The public site includes Stanford courses, faculty lectures, event highlights, music, sports, and more.
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